C62 张瑞图书梦游天姥吟留别
Zhang Rui Tu · ‘Meng You Tian Lao Yin Liu Bie’ (A fantasy dream journey)
张瑞图,晚明代表书家,号称“晚明四大家”。其楷书取法钟繇,饶有隶意,毫无雕琢之气;其行书则是在楷书的基础上进行更为随意和自然的发挥;至于草书则成就最大,硬笔盘空,结构奇肆,痛快淋漓,对后世影响极大。同时,他亦善诗文,工鱼山水、佛像。此卷行草笔势生辣,点画纵横,坚实劲挺,气力充沛,笔墨酣畅。此作《梦游天姥吟留别》原为李白的代表作。李白豪放不羁的性格,遭到权贵们的嫉妒,后来玄宗也以他不是“廊庙之器”为借口而逐渐疏远了他。这激起了李白内心的极度苦闷和矛盾。天宝四年(公元745 年)他将由东鲁南游吴越,留别友人时,写下了这一首《梦游天姥吟留别》。诗中寄托了他在政治上的苦闷心情。
Dynasty: Ming (1368 – 1644)
Calligrapher: Zhang Rui Tu (1570 – 1641)
Overview: Zhang Rui Tu was one the most significant calligraphers of late Ming Dynasty, being one of the ‘Four Most Distinguished Persons’ of the era. His calligraphy finesse was inspired Zhong Yao. Zhang’s calligraphy is cleverly aligned to fit the given space. It is casual and unpretentious. His ‘Xing Shu’ calligraphy (a type of casual calligraphy) is a form of creative adaptation driven by the mainstream calligraphy where casual and natural strokes are predominant. His ‘Cao Shu’ (a type of swift and cursive calligraphy) is even more legendary. Zhang is renowned for his ability to produce amazing calligraphy using even the inflexible brush. His ‘Cao Shu’ is packed with vigorous strokes as if it were delivered through a swift sword that could stir heaven and earth. His unconventional calligraphy composition plays an influential role in the evolution of calligraphy for the newer generations. The multi-talented Zhang was also a notable figure in the field of poetry. His favourite subjects include landscape and Buddhist statue. This calligraphy scroll demonstrates his keen ‘Xing Cao’ (swift and cursive) strokes. Vigorous and unhindered; lively and full of passion. The poetry by Li Bai implies the unconstrained character of Li, which led to him becoming an object of envy by the dignitaries. Emperor Xian Zong of Tang Dynasty had also distanced himself from Li, citing Li being someone insignificant. This stirred up a heartfelt anguish and contradiction within Li. In year 745, as he was leaving Dong Lu for Wu Yue in the south, he presented his friend with this farewell gift, in the form of this poetry that reflects his political desolation.
Calligraphy Style: Cao Shu