C81,C82 康有为·行书对联


Kang You Wei · A Xing Shu Couplet
康有为是清末首位倡导维新变法之人,提出了立宪政体、兴民权、设议会、进行选举和地方自治等具体宪政方案。1895-1898 年,康有为推动戊戌变法(百日维新)运动,后因慈禧太后的干预,维新运动失败,康有为和梁启超逃往日本,1913 年辛亥革命后才回到中国。除了政治活动之外,康有为在书法艺术方面的贡献亦不逊色,其《广艺舟双楫》提出了“尊碑”之说,大力推崇汉魏六朝碑学,对碑派书法之兴盛有着极其深远的影响,是总结碑学的一部重要著作。他晚年独创的魏碑行楷书,被称为“康南海体”,主要特点是重、拙、大。以篆隶法写行书,且多取篆法少参隶意是其特色,圆融浑劲,凝重质朴,气格浑厚,密丽洞达。

Era: Modern History

Calligrapher: Kang You Wei (1858 – 1927)

Overview: Kang You Wei was an ardent advocate of constitutional monarchy of the late Qing Dynasty. Apart from constitutional monarchy (which is to counterbalance absolute monarchy), the iconoclast took courage to propose a revamp in the troubled Chinese political system through the establishment of a parliamentary house, electorate and district councils. Kang was also a proponent of human rights, given the said political aspirations he had in mind. Unfortunately, his 100-day Reform Movement was thwarted by Empress Tzu His (Empress Dowager Ci Xi) who favoured the absolute monarchy. The failed movement forced him and another notable scholar who shared his thoughts, Liang Qi Chao, to flee China for Japan. He returned to China in 1913 after the 1911 Xinhai Revolution (the Chinese Revolution). Apart from his political aspirations, Kang was one of the major contributors to the development and promotion of the art of calligraphy in Chinese history. He authored a book called ‘Guang Yi Zhou Shuang Ji’ that is historically significant to the promotion of calligraphy. The book pays tribute to the blossoming of the art of calligraphy and epigraphy during the rule of Han and Wei dynasties. It gives prominence to the evolution of calligraphy and epigraphy over different epochs and plays an influential role in the study of this ancient art. In other words, the book sums up all the essences of the beauty of calligraphy and epigraphy in combination. The ‘Kang Nan Hai Ti’ produced in the later part of his life, which was inspired by Wei Dynasty’s ‘Xing Shu’ style, offers a close perspective into his individualized calligraphy style. Expect to see ‘weighty’, ‘substantial’ and ‘imposing’ calligraphy characteristics in this work. Kang is known for blending ‘Zhuan’ and ‘Li’ calligraphy styles into his ‘Xing Shu’ masterpiece. He loved to incorporate a generous amount of ‘Zhuan’ highlights with hints of ‘Li’ attributes in his calligraphy. The strokes seem to be vigorous and well composed, hearty yet oozing beauty in simplicity, unpretentious yet aesthetically dynamic.

Calligraphy Style: Xing Shu





