C83 吴昌硕·篆书对联


Wu Chang Suo · A ‘Zhuan Shu’ Couplet

吴昌硕是晚清著名画家、书法家与篆刻家,为“海上派”的代表,是杭州西泠印社首任社长。其楷书始学颜鲁公,继学钟元常,隶书学汉石刻,篆书学石鼓文。其行书则得黄庭坚、王铎笔势之欹侧,兼得黄道周之章法,其中又受北碑书风及篆籀用笔之影响,笔法大起大落,遒润峻险。吴昌硕在后期篆书创作中,还突破了石鼓文的创作限制,以寄意风 格尝试大篆创作,夸张变形、浓墨淋漓,重金石味,也奠定了当代篆书创作的审美发展方向。就吴昌硕在现代书法史的影响和地位来看。他主要得之于书画印一体的创作效应以及为西泠印社的社长的显赫上。

Era: Modern history

Calligrapher: Wu Chang Shuo (1844 – 1927)

Overview: Wu Chang Shuo was a famous painter, calligrapher and seal engraving expert (or seal artist) of the late Qing Dynasty. He was an icon of Shanghai’s creative arena, being the inaugural principal of the Xiling Society of Seal Arts in Hangzhou. His derived his calligraphy aspirations from Yan Zhen Qing initially, followed by Zhong Yuan Chang. For calligraphy stone engraving, he preferred the ‘Li Shu’ school of thought of the ancient Han Dynasty. His ‘Zhuan Shu’ calligraphy was inspired by the script engraving on the stones of the ancient Qin Dynasty. Wu’s ‘Xing Shu’ calligraphy manifests the tilting strokes of Huang Ting Jian and Wang Duo’s. It oozes the art of composition of Huang Dao Zhou’s. Wu’s calligraphy also took in the essence of ‘Zhuan’ and ‘Zhou’ scripts of the Northern Dynasties. His stroke-work could be dramatic, bold and unrestrained, yet flamboyant at times. In his later life, Wu pushed his calligraphy mastery to the next level, breaking the boundaries of the ancient stone-based script engraving. He injected the ‘expressionist’ elements into his ‘Zhuan’ calligraphy works to amplify the artistic transformation by using added inking concentration and getting motivated by the art of stone engraving. His new perspective on ‘Zhuan Shu’ creation helped redefine and add a new value to the aesthetic aspect of calligraphy. The former principal of the Xiling Society of Seal Arts bolstered up his influential role in the creative arena with his ingenuity in fusing calligraphy, painting and stone engraving into a creative masterpiece.

Calligraphy Style: Zhuan Shu





