C74 左宗棠·行书对联
Zuo Zong Tang · A ‘Xing Shu’ couplet
左宗棠是晚清军政重臣,湘军统帅 之一。光绪元年( 公元1875 年), 他率部收复新疆,光绪十年(公元 1884 年)督办福建军务,抗击法国 侵略者,以他收复新疆的巨大功绩 而名垂青史。左宗棠身为武将,却 兼通文墨,擅书法,崇碑版,篆、隶、 行、草兼善,笔力雄健,风格豪迈, 楹联作品流传颇多,书风沉着激迈, 文辞通畅,瘦劲的笔致、清峭的结 字和疏朗的布局,依稀透露出一种 踌躇满志的盛气。“涧道余寒历冰雪, 洞口经春长薜萝”是左宗棠题于苏 州耦园的一幅抱柱联,取自唐代杜 甫诗句。
Dynasty: Qing (1644 – 1911)
Calligrapher: Zuo Zong Tang (1812 – 1885)
Overview: Zuo Zong Tang was a top-ranked military officer of late Qing Dynasty, being one of the chief commanders in charge of the anti-rebellions battalion. In 1875, he successfully led his battalion to recover Xin Jiang from the rebellions. In 1884, being the commander-in-chief of Fu Jian, he led his team to put up a landmark resistance to French intruders. Both achievements earned him an immortal reputation as a distinguished military figure in Chinese history. Amazingly, he was a man with the might of a sword and pen at the same time. He was a well-versed scholar on literature and calligraphy beyond the battlefield. From tablet-based calligraphy to paper-based calligraphy, Zuo was a remarkable role model. His multi-talented profile is evidenced by his mastery of ‘Zhuan Shu’, ‘Li Shu’, ‘Xing Shu’ and ‘Cao Shu’ calligraphy. His strokes appear to be robust, fearless and spirited. He was a prolific couplet contributor that left a rich legacy of literature. His literature works including the art of calligraphy are full of passion and fluidity. Every stroke seems to be resolute and steadfast. He was both an erudite calligrapher and military strategist in his times. His clever calligraphy compositions suggest that he was a man of endless aspirations. He graced Ou Yuan (Couples Retreat Garden) in Su Zhou with a couplet quoted from Du Fu’s poetry of the Tang Dynasty. The couplet connotes a wintry stream and a spring bloom that follows.
Calligraphy Style: Xing Shu